Who we are

Supporting the elevation of First Nations Women.


QueenMode is a social enterprise that supports the evolution and elevation of First Nations Women.  As half of the world's population, we believe women have the power to move the needle on global issues, and as a collective, we can facilitate and help our First Nations women and allies to be their best! 

Founded by Yolngu woman Elena Wangurra in 2018, QueenMode proactively supports the self-development of First Nations Women by facilitating opportunities for social, emotional and economic education, programs and services.

We are committed to building platforms and creating spaces for First Nations women to connect, share knowledge and thrive in our ever changing world. Here, we center First Nations women, experiences and Herstory!

- Elena Wangurra, Founding Director

We have to act as if it were possible to transform the world, and we have to do it all the time!
— - Professor Angela Davis
  • We envision a world that celebrates the diversity of First Nations women and encourages their growth and development.

  • QueenMode along with the Collective is on a mission to engage two million women globally in their self development by 2030.

  • We have eight values that guide our work:

    • Integrity & Communication

    • Advocacy & Transformation

    • Empowerment & Equanimity

    • Collectivism & Sustainability